
Boostin Injection for Cattles

Boostin injectable solution is a long-acting recombinant bovine somatotropin. It increases milk production without altering the physical and chemical characteristics of the milk nor clinical and reproductive parameters.



Boostin-S 2ml

BOOSTIN-S injection is indicated in lactating cows to increase milk production. The optimal application period will be 80 to 100 days after calving depending on the body condition of the cow and can be extended up to a month before the cow is dried.

This product should only be administered to healthy dairy cows. PLACENTREX 2ml Injection


Dosage And Routes Of Administration

Make sure to apply Boostin-s 2ml one syringe (500 mg) every 14 days. The recommended site for the administration of BOOSTIN-S injection is subcutaneously in the ischeo-rectal fossa, alternating the application side in each treatment (left-right).

Clean and disinfect the application site. Apply preferably at room temperature.

Good management and proper nutrition are recommended to obtain optimal milk production.

BOOSTIN-S does not have a withdrawal period for milk or meat intended for human consumption. Store refrigerated between 2 and 8 ° C. Do not freeze. There may be transient local inflammation around the application site.


Boostin-S Injection Benefits

• Naturally increases milk production.
• Increase profitability.
• Reduce fixed costs.


Boostin-S characteristics

• Quick results.
• Maintains the physical-chemical characteristics of milk.



Box of 5 doses, use with a dosing gun.


Origin from Mexico

Equioxx (firocoxib)


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