EnviroEquine Fly Spray Plus




EnviroEquine Fly Spray Plus has been specifically formulated to be safe and effective in repelling insects with a unique blend of essential oils and natural surfactants in a pH balanced solution. Our long-lasting, all-natural spray is safe for use on all your horses, your dogs, and even yourself! Repels insects, such as flies, gnats,mosquitoes, and other annoying flying pests for up to 8 hours. EnviroEquine Fly Spray Plus Repel insects and add shine…naturally!

Added Camelina oil nourishes the skin and will leave your horse’s coat looking lustrous and feeling soft and silky. This gentle formula also will not cause scurf if used frequently.
Cruelty Free, All Natural, Organic, Holistic. No active ingredients.

Directions: EnviroEquine Fly Spray Plus
Shake well. Spray evenly over coat.
Avoid spraying face, use hand to apply around eyes and ears. Do not mix with chemical based fly spray.
No dilution is necessary.


EnviroEquine Fly repellent, EnviroEquine Fly Spray Plus, Equine fly spray plus, horse repellent