Equinate I.V./I.A.


Equinate Injection for Horses

Equinate Injection is indicated in the treatment and prevention of lameness in horses due to non-infectious synovitis possibly associated with early equine degenerative joint disease.



Equinate 2ml

Equinate Injection is a clear colourless solution. It is administered by intra-articular or intravenous injection. The active ingredient is extracted from the capsule of a selected microorganism and purified to produce a pure form of sodium hyaluronate that is essentially free of protein or nucleic acids.

The solution is pyrogen free and sterile. It contains no preservative. Each mL of Equinate Injection contains 10 mg of sodium hyaluronate in physiological sodium chloridephosphate buffer. The pH is adjusted to between 6.5 and 7.0. Amoxillin L.A. 100ml



Equinate is indicated in the treatment of lameness in horses due to non-infectious acute synovitis possibly associated with early equine degenerative joint disease.



Strict aseptic technique should be observed when injecting Equinate Injection.

Radiographs should be taken prior to administration to eliminate joint fractures or advanced degenerative joint disease.

This product does not contain any antimicrobial preservative. Any solution remaining in the vial after administration of the required dose should be discarded.



I R – 4mL (2 vials) (40mg) per adult horse (450-500kg). Treatment may be repeated at weekly intervals for a total of three treatments.

I- R – The recommended dosage by intra-articular route is 2mL (1 Vial) (20mg) per adult horse (450-500kg).

Treatment may be repeated at weekly intervals for a total of three treatments. As with any intra-articular procedure, proper injection site disinfection and animal restraint are important.

Excess joint fluid should be aseptically removed prior to intra-articular injection. Care should be taken not to scratch the cartilage surface with the injection needle. Durvet Ivermectin 1%

Equinate 2ml diffuse swelling lasting 24 to 48 hours may result from movement of the needle while in the joint space.
To achieve best results in cases of intra-articular or intravenous administration, horses should be rested during treatment and given 7 days stable rest after treatment before gradually resuming normal activity.



Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance present in connective tissue, skin, vitreous humour, and the umbilical cord in all mammals and in high concentrations in synovial fluid. It also constitutes the major
component of the capsule of certain micro-organisms.

The hyaluronic acid produced by bacteria is of the same structure and configuration as that found in mammals. It is widely accepted that sodium hyaluronate restores lubrication of the joint fluid and regulates the normal cellular constituents.

This effect decreases the impact of exudation, enzyme release, and subsequent degradation of joint integrity. Hyaluronate molecules are long chains which form a filter matrix interspersed with normal cellular fluids.

This further supplements the visco-elastic properties of normal joint fluid. Sodium hyaluronate exerts a slight anti-inflammatory action by limiting the movement of granulocytes and macrophages into the joint.

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