Pluset 500IU


Pluset For Animal Use

Pluset injection a follicle stimulating hormone/luteinizing hormone FSH and LH gonadotropins, to induct superovulation in reproductively mature calves and cows, lyophilisate and solvent in solution for injection.



Pluset Solution For Injection

Pluset injection is a porcine pituitary extract (PPE), which contains both of the gonadotropins, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone. Pluset  is obtained after a laborious process of solvent extractions and fractioned precipitations.

The final product is a purified hormonal extract, with high superovulatory activity, in two vials of freeze-dried powder to facilitate its use, with known and constant FSH and LH activity, in optimal proportion for superovulation. L-Arginine 100ml


Pluset Benefits

Ovarian super stimulation with exogenous FSH allows the production of a higher number of eggs than that normally produced in each reproductive heat.

The extracted FSH contains variable amounts of luteinizing hormone (LH), which, if present in excess, reduces the yield of the treatment, probably favoring the process of atresia of the developing follicles.

Obviously, in order to obtain correct and effective superovulation, which provides great security against irreversible damage to the ovarian structures (donors are usually animals of considerable economic value) and with satisfactory results in terms of the number of viable embryos, it is necessary to carry out a treatment that guarantees the activation of the multiple follicular maturation process in the most physiological and repetitive way possible.

Therefore, it is very important to keep the amount of LH present under control, since this influences FSH activity to a certain extent.

The amount of LH present in PLUSET is much lower than that contained in the preparations normally used to promote superovulation in domestic animals.

The study of the elimination kinetics in circulating blood in cows has demonstrated that for FSH, the initial amount is reduced to half in approximately 150 minutes and for LH, the initial amount is reduced to half in 40 minutes.

Pluset Indications:

Pluset is ued in the induction of superovulation in sexually mature heifers or cows.
For induction of superovulation and as a source of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) supplementation, in cases of deficiency or need.
Pluset is a mixture of porcine pituitary gonadotropins, with a defined and constant ratio to obtain multiple ovulations (superovulation).


Each vial of lyophilizate contains:

FSH……………………………………………….. 500 IU
LH …………………………………………………. 500 IU
Vehicle qsp ………………………………….. 20 mL

Pluset Dosage And Administration

  • Pluset Solution For Injection is used in application in adult cows, the following treatment is suggested: Dissolve the 2 vials of PLUSET with the diluent.
  • The reconstituted solution should be kept refrigerated at +2°C to 8°C for up to 6 days. Simultaneously administer prostaglandin in quantities indicated to promote luteolysis.
  • Dissolve each vial of lyophilized product with 10.5 mL of solvent. Use aseptic technique when mixing and removing the pre-mixed preparation from the vial.
  • Thoroughly clean and disinfect the vial before using the next sterile needle.
  • Mix gently when processing
  • This medicine is given intramuscularly only. Caco Copper 100ml


The following treatment scheme is recommended for superovulation of cows:

The total recommended dose is 800 to 1000 IU in tapering doses for 4 to 5 days.

The dosage must be adjusted taking into account variation between the animals in relation to breed, age and reproductive status.

For heifers and beef cattle, a total dose of 800 IU is recommended.

For dairy cattle, the dose can be increased to 1000 IU, taking age, parity and milk yield into account.

Recommended Scheme For 800 IU in 4 days

Day 1* 08:00 3.0 ml im (150 IU FSH + 150 IU LH)
20:00 3.0 ml im (150 IU FSH + 150 IU LH)
Day 2 08:00 2.5 ml im (125 IU FSH + 125 IU LH)
20:00 2.5 ml im (125 IU FSH + 125 IU LH)
Day 3** 08:00 1.5 ml im (75 IU FSH + 75 IU LH)
20:00 1.5 ml im (75 IU FSH + 75 IU LH)
Day 4 08:00 1.0 ml im (50 IU FSH + 50 IU LH)
20:00 1.0 ml im (50 IU FSH + 50 IU LH)


Pluset Recommended Scheme For 1000 IU in 5 days

Day 1* 08:00 3.0 ml im (150 IU FSH + 150 IU LH)
20:00 3.0 ml im (150 IU FSH + 150 IU LH)
Day 2 08:00 2.5 ml im (125 IU FSH + 125 IU LH)
20:00 2.5 ml im (125 IU FSH + 125 IU LH)
Day 3** 08:00 2.0 ml im (100 IU FSH + 100 IU LH)
20:00 2.0 ml im (100 IU FSH + 100 IU LH)
Day 4 08:00 1.5 ml im (75 IU FSH + 75 IU LH)
20:00 1.5 ml im (75 IU FSH + 75 IU LH)
Day 5 08:00 1.0 ml im (50 IU FSH + 50 IU LH)
20:00 1.0 ml im (50 IU FSH + 50 IU LH)

* 11th day of the austral cycle. ( DAY 1 corresponds to the 11th day of the estrous cycle. )

** A dose of luteinizing prostaglandin F 2 alpha should be given intramuscularly 60 and/or 72 hours after the start of the superovulation treatment

Grace Period:


Slaughter: Zero deficiency.

Milk: This product should not be applied to females producing milk for human consumption.

The use of the product under conditions other than those indicated in this leaflet may cause the presence of residues above the approved limit, making the food of animal origin unfit for consumption.


The pluset solution for injection product in the lyophilized state remains stable for 24 months at room temperature. After reconstitution, it may be kept refrigerated at +2°C to 8°C for up to 6 days, taking the necessary precautions to maintain its sterility.

Side effects

Slight reduction in milk yield

After treatment, there is a risk of a delayed return to heat

Ovarian cysts can form as a result of superovulation.


Powder and solvent for solution for injection
Cartridge containing 2 vials of PLUSET with 500 IU of FSH and 500 IU of LH and 1 ampoule of 20ml of distilled and apyrogenic water. Dynacleine 50ml